EIE President Donna Rice Hughes

Alicia Kozakiewicz, Survivor of an Internet Predator

Holly Hawkins, AOL
Rene, Mother of a porn victim

Colby May, EIE Board Member

Dianne Florence, Past President, Virginia PTA

Dianne Florence, Past President, Virginia PTA

Panelists respond to press questions

EIE President with Salvation Army Partners

Sponsors from AOL, AT&T, NetNanny, Smobile and Verizon with EIE President Donna Rice Hughes

Panelists: Rene, Holly Hawkins, Donna Rice Hughes, Alicia Kozakiewicz, Dianne Florence

EIE President Donna Rice Hughes with press

EIE Staff: Donna Rice Hughes, Cris Clapp Logan, Lillian Schoeppler, Julie Koh, Byron Bartlett, Bob Flores